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« Esoteric cinema - the Great Lynch | Main | happy »

July 06, 2008



To be honest I hate going to the theatre, purely because I always end up wanting to sneeze or cough at an inopportune moment, try to stop myself and go purple... ruins the enjoyment of the thing!!!

But seriously, you are right in that people behave differently in the theatre. There is that possibility of interaction with the cast that you don't get at the cinema, and I suspect a few people to try to angle a little something in the hope of a few lines in the review.

Anecdote time (sorry)... my sister once went to an early showing of Grease, when Shane Ritchie was playing Danny. She has a very loud distinctive laugh, which ended up reducing him to giggles as well. He passed comment, had some flowers brought round for her in the audience - which embarrassed her enough to completely shut her up for the rest of the performance. What a star.


"Films are even stranger, for what we are seeing are not disguised people but photographs of disguised people, and yet we believe them"
- Jorge Luis Borges on films (and before that, on theatre) (1977)

Must find the whole essay, it was a corker...

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