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July 01, 2008



It's funny you should mention Jim Morrison; he's the impetus that drew me into reading your book after I randomly picked it up out here at Barnes and Nobles in Boston. (Although they have it curiously in the World History section, don't really get that.)

I'm a big fan of his and so many of his references and allusions corresponded to yours - Rimbaud, Blake, Schopenhauer, alchemy, ancient Shadow Plays, Shamanism, Ars Magna...I could keep going ad infinitum.

I thought for sure you would mention him somewhere, but not so unfortunately.

He totally immersed himself in esoteric, mind before matter thought and applied it to his art - not just his pop songs but his writings. Pay no attention to the pretty boy image divested in mass media. He was a post-modern mystic.

Consider : he went from never playing an instrument and writing songs on an abandoned rooftop whilst basically homeless - to meteoric fame and setting the archetype for a "rock star". Dark, surly, enigmatic. He immersed himself in the fecundity of the derangement of the senses, not just in a room alone but in front of the world. Not to mention an obsession with death, coupled with a mysterious death. All within the span of seven short years.

Check out some of his works, sir. They correlate and complement yours.

jonathan black

Thanks, RicK. I'll certainly follow that up. I know and like his music. My favourite track is Crystal Ship, which reminds me of another great occultist, neglected in my book for reasons of space - Samuel Taylor Coleridge. He was described as voyaging on strange seas of thought alone.

Crystal Ship seems to me to suggests it's possible to do it in the company of the like-minded!

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