A couple of nights ago an owl was terwitterwooing nearby and made our neighbour's dog howl - a small sign of changes coming. Today I went back to the woods where I got lost last week. I saw two fox cubs playing and a green woodpecker, and a young deer stepped out right in front of me.
The world is a great door turning on its hinge, and tonight we may be able to slip through and visit the world between the worlds - the Green Wood where 'things do best please me that befall preposterously'. The Green Wood is a place we enter in an altered state of consciousness. There we may become aware of the ways the supernatural works in the world, ways which may well appear 'preposterous' to the everyday, waking mind.
You may be turned upside down and inside out, mixed up and made a complete fool of, you may be terrified, but at the end of it you will be realigned with the sacred purposes of the world, helped to be as you were wont to be and to see as you were wont to see. Above all you will be helped to love as you are meant to love, as we see the lovers united with those they are meant to love at the end of the play.
When you are in love with someone you see wonderful qualities in them no-one else can - and your love can help those qualities blossom in a magical way so that they become visible to everyone. Esoteric philosophy is about trying to love the whole world in the same way and with the same results.
I'm talking about faith in things which are too good not to be true - even though the worldly may hate them.
The secret societies who had to shelter from the world's hatred practiced secret techniques to cause a sacred dew to rain down in the mind. Shakespeare alluded to this when Oberon says 'Let the field dew consecrate'. His play is not fantasy but a work of the imagination. He knew what he was talking about.
Sweet dreams.