The idea that there is an infinite number of parallel universes was dreamed up by scientists – a pupil of John Wheeler's in fact, who broke away from Wheeler's own view – to explain how come we live in the universe containing the extraordinary number of co-incidences necessary for the creation of life that we do.
These days people sometimes use the word 'metaphysical' in a pejorative sense to mean something like 'a high flown fantasy with no relation to life as we live it'. Typically it's used when talking about, for example, Thomas Aquinas's supposed speculations on how many angels could be dance on the top of a pinhead.
But aren't the parallel
universes at least as 'metaphysical'? At least people such as Enoch,
I wish I could give Philip K Dick a ring. If anyone's experienced both, don't you reckon?
I'm beginning to get fitted carpets and short sleeved shirts.
There's a parallel universe somewhere where you have parquet flooring and no shirts at all...
I think using the term "parallel universe" is contradictory - implying that there is more than one "verse" must therefore make the universe a multiverse. Pointless semantics, I know, but it's important to me. By merely saying "universe" I am suggesting that it is unique and nothing else exists - there is only one plane of existence, and we're on it. Which is harsh.
My late father payed me a visit last night. I know it's him, because he keeps turning the light on and waking me up. I told him to welcome my best friend's father, who died yesterday, and went back to sleep feeling much better.
Does this count as "experiencing a parallel universe"? I had always thought it was just part of life.
Posted by: Stef | June 19, 2008 at 09:22 AM
Don't forget the white jacket with ridiculously long sleeves that fasten in the back. ;D
Posted by: Al | June 19, 2008 at 03:11 PM
Say what you want about thoes jackets Al but they've always kept me warm!
Posted by: Nick | June 19, 2008 at 03:30 PM
I've got one of those jackets too Nick, but mine is more PETA compliant since yours has the fur lined collar. :P
Posted by: Al | June 20, 2008 at 03:34 PM
I don't quite follow , Stef. The visit from your father seems to imply a visit from another plane?
Posted by: jonathan black | June 26, 2008 at 11:24 AM
It's a bit of a running joke in our house, but I will explain...
My father died four and a half years ago.
I have a bedside lamp that is turned on by touching the base. It's one of those cheap things you get from Argos, you know the ones. Anyway, usually it works fine but some nights - usually when I've just dropped off - it switches itself on. So I switch it off. And this will happen three times - no more, no less. Finally I'm awake and I'm aware of a presence. Can't see anything in the dark (without my specs) but I just know it's there. Anyway, over the years, I have decided that it's Dad and I tell him all about the things on my mind.
And then the light goes off and stays off. Until the next time. I get about one visit a month. Doesn't bother me, but I'm aware it's a bit odd.
Posted by: Stef | June 26, 2008 at 11:30 AM
That's very moving Stef. I'm sure it is your father.
Posted by: jonathanblack | July 06, 2008 at 12:32 PM