I've met some remarkable people on my quest, some with strange powers and supernatural intelligence. Today I went to a boot fair in Matfield Green and found some CDs by Michel Thomas, which reminded me of our time together, talking, talking, talking.
It's his proud boast that he can teach people to be fluent in one of several languages in 8 hours.
He tells his pupils not to stress, not to try, not to do homework, but let him take all the strain, all the responsbility. This is one of the methods he uses to help people achieve access to superhuman intelligence.
In my book I show how the Oxford magus Roger Bacon was doing something similar.
Michel's CDs are now a huge international industry. I used to have him dinner with him when he came to London, planning how to make his philosophy better known , and he told me something shortly before he died that you won't find in any of the literature about him, even the excellent and pretty comprehensive biography by Christopher Robbins.
He said he was accustomed to seeing disembodied beings gathering at the foot of his bed. Perhaps a bit disconcerting at first, they were ultimately benevolent.
Michel was not, in so far as i know, an initiate of any secret society, but his supernatural intelligence and communications with Intelligencers lead me to specualte that he was a great initiate in a former incarnation.
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